Wednesday, October 08, 2003

I engaged in a spot of multi-tasking last night by simultaneously watching TV and a small beetle running around on the carpet. I tried to imagine what on earth the bug was actually thinking about, or indeed, if it was thinking at all. For almost 45 minutes, it was going around in a counter-clockwise circle of some 12 inches in diameter, but it wasn't a perfect circle as it was also heading slowly towards me. Every five or six turns, it seemed to stop and think.

Now, I can't be sure it was actually doing any significant evaluation of its purpose in life ("Hey, why am I just going round and around. Isn't there something better I could be doing?"). Maybe it was just getting dizzy. At one point, I lost sight of it, which suggested it had had a really good idea and decided to check out another room. However, five minutes later, it was heading back towards me in a straight line before dropping back into its "spiral of destiny."

I left the TV room for a cup of tea, settled down with a book, and forgot all about the bug until now. I didn't see it this morning, so I assume it has moved on to pastures new. Or else the cat ate it - one or the other.

My fascination with the beetle was probably caused by a burst of unconscious identification with its plight: going round and around in circles while trying to work out what I really should be doing with my life. In truth, I am probably doing lots of things that elevate me to a level of existence slightly above that of the bug. But I do have these nagging doubts now and again about the futility of life.

I wonder if the bug feels the same?

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