Add the following story to the "Why, for the love of God, Why?" folder.
A Chinese internet entrepreneur simply named Zhou has been banned by one of China's eBay lookalikes, It seems that Zhou was selling bottle of saliva harvested from pretty 18-year-old girls at a stunning $2.00 per bottle. His spin is that the bodily fluid acts as a "tonic," though details as to how this might be the case are not forthcoming.
In an effort to promote some notion of "truth in advertising," Zhao did include pictures on the web site showing the girls from whom the spit was taken. Apparently he believed that including the graphics would enhance sales. Which turned out to be zero.

The trading site deleted the listing after complaints from web surfers, although it's hard to imagine what exactly they were complaining about and why they were checking out the latest saliva sales in the first place. I mean, how do you accidentally stumble across a market for teenage girl spit! Braver readers may want to turn "Safe Browsing" off and use Google to search for "Teenage girl spit" and hypothesize how the complainers found the site.
Undeterred by censure and a stunning lack of any sales, Zhou says he is now turning to drool as an alternative product. This is collected from sleeping teenage girls and, as with regular spit, bottled for consumption. As we know, drool and saliva are chemically the same product, but with the right amount of marketing spin and hype, who knows how well Zhou could do this time.
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