Sunday, June 07, 2009

The last posting to The Naked Bystander was over a year ago. I got busy doing other stuff. But a chance posting by someone called Beth has spurred me to resurrecting the site.

"Please revive your blog - you are exceptionally witty and enjoyable to read!"

I am realistic enough to know that for every one person who considers what I write "exceptionally witty and enjoyable to read," hundreds of others would disagree, and tens of thousands have never even read anything by me. Still, I am also narcissistic enough to think that if ONE person likes what I do, then maybe there are OTHERS waiting in the wings.

So I'm going to write for two people; me, and the wing-waiters.

The second thing that the Bystander lacks is promotion. In an blogosphere that has more offerings than Starbucks has stores, the competition for readers' attention is huge. Without marketing, a blog is nothing more than an open journal for the egotistical and narcissistic. And that includes me.

I'll also be cross-marketing with my other blog, The Word Guy, which has a presence on Twitter and Facebook. Between The Naked Bystander and The Word Guy, I'll be able to cover the two things I really enjoy in life; absurdity and language.

So re-bookmark the site and let's see if I can keep your attention with a selection of the weird and the wonderful from the world-at-large.

And thank you, Beth!

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