Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Although many people start married life with the intention of staying together "until death do us part," the Grim Reaper can often be found taking a back seat in the decoupling process. A recent estimate suggests that 45% of all marriages in the US end in divorce, so it's fair to say that the "until death" phrase is pretty much redundant. Of those dissolutions, the majority are cited as being due to "irreconcilable differences," a catch-all phrase that loosely translates as "will you just get the fuck out of my life you blood-sucking leech."

The other possible re-imagining of "until death" is "until death or someone else better comes along - say in a few months." There's a certain schadenfreude that comes from watching TV "reality" weddings where the bride and groom spend the entire GNP of Bolivia for their "once in a lifetime" experiences, pledge their undying love, weep openly on screen about how Destiny brought them together - and know there's an evens chance that within a year hubby will have boinked his way through half the bridesmaids and the missus will have skipped off with a personal trainer called Sven.

So it comes as no surprise that when a Polish couple found evidence of infidelity their marriage should come to an abrupt end. What is surprising is the way in which they found out.

According to the Polish tabloid, Super Express, a man decided to play hide the sausage by making a quick trip to the local brothel. This sort of behavior suggests that his definition of fidelity was pretty flexible. However, in a perfect demonstration of how Karma is a bitch, he was totally flabbergasted when he saw his wife working in the very same brothel. And she wasn't selling soup.

Apparently she had told her husband that she'd been working in a store each evening to earn money to make ends meet. Unfortunately she failed to tell hubby which ends were meeting which other ends. Needless to say, the double infidelity ended their 14-year marriage quicker than you can say, "No, you were cheating on ME!"

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