Monday, January 09, 2006

As Simon, Paula, and Randy gear up for the grand opening of the new season of American Idol, they may want to take note of the goings-on in the German version of the show. Rumors of whether Simon - or indeed Ryan - is gay pale into insignificance next to the surprise revelation from Deutschland's hotly tipped-to-win performer, Didi Knoblauch.

Apparantly, Didi revealed recently that she "...never felt comfortable in my own skin, I don't want to be a girl. Two years ago I had my breasts removed in a very painful operation. But having a full sex change is expensive, about £40,000. I'm taking part for the experience of being on the show, but if I win I'm hoping to earn enough to afford the operation."

So, as Kelly Clarkson uses her winnings to sell platinum albums, Clay Aitkin uses his to prepare for a role on "I'm a has-been, get me out of here," Didi is planning to have a brand new state-of-the-art salami added and a fresh wardrobe from Versace Pour Homme.

Linguists amongst you might be interested to know that the German word "lauch" means "leek" - as in the vegetable. If her surname translates to "leeky knob," perhaps she was psychically destined for the sex change right from the start. If she sings just right on the night, her wish for a dribbling dangler may just come true.

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