Monday, October 10, 2005

Number one on the list of "skills you must have" is the dogged determination to write something day after day after day. As is evidenced by the majority of blogs, it doesn't particularly matter what you write as long as it is something. You new haircut; the cat's herpes; George W. Bush is stupid; how wonderful I am - all these things and more are typical fodder for the blogger.

The second has to be an absolute faith in your own ego. You have to believe, above all else, that somehow what you have to say actually MATTERS! It does no harm to have an over-inflated sense of your own importance, and by all means feel free to talk about any topic under the sun, even if you know nothing about it. In truth, facts are something of an anathema in the blogging world. Toss them aside if they get in the way of whatever you want to spout about.

The third skill is to develop your own, unique style - and that's not necessarily a tautology. Some bloggers have their own derivative style, based on reading too much Drudge, Coulter, Limbaugh, and that chick who wrote the awful Washingtonienne book.

Finally, the blogger has to post on a daily basis. Yes, I said that for number one, but it's such an important skill that it bears mentioning twice.

On the evidence of the current state of affaires, clearly the Bystander is not a good blogger, with new blogs appearing only sporadically. However, in the Bystander's defence, there are other things in life that are more important than blogging.

Although the good blogger may disagree.

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