Friday, July 27, 2007

Boy am I in a cynical mode today! According to the One Laptop Per Child group, their new XO laptop computer is set to change the world and level that proverbial playing field - again. In an article from the good folks at eWeek, the $175 laptop is poised to give disadvantaged kids around the world the same access to porn, MP3s, viruses, adware, Instant Messaging, and rabid hate-speech as every other member of civilized society.

So handing laptops to the world makes it all better, eh? Folks, 90% of people who currently have computers have no clue how to use them, spend half the time downloading porn, have great difficulty copying a file from their hard drive to a USB drive, and complain that it's "too difficult." And you don't have to spend long in the Blogosphere to discover that those folks who at least grasp the basic concept of stringing words together and tossing them onto a web site end up writing the most pointless, egocentric, turgid drivel about their babies, pets, vacation in Cancun, and how much they hate foreigners.

No, a cheap laptop solves little, particularly in a world where most folks should stick to the technology that best suits their abilities - a piece of paper and a pencil with an eraser on the end; as complex a "delete" function as they can understand.

Friday, July 06, 2007

In Italy, it's now not enough for a girl to graduate from college with a few letters after her name. Now she's not going to settle for anything less than a DD - and I don't mean a Doctor of Divinity.

According to web site Ananova, the most common graduation present for young ladies is now a boob job. The liberated, educated college graduate may revel in her intellectual independence and a first-class honors in Physics, but unless she's got the jubblies to go with the academics, life's clearly at an end. After all, who wants to hire a woman physicist with a flat chest when there are others whose attributes are large enough to generate a gravity field capable of sustaining a small moon.

Meanwhile, back in the USA, just as Italian women are using their boobs to further their careers, one American woman was forbidden from using hers to - well - feed a baby! Retailers Fossil settled out off court rather than go through a law suit brought by clothing buyer Lass King. On a visit to a New York showroom to meet with another buyer, King was told that she was "making people feel uncomfortable" by breast feeding her 8-month-old son, Cody. Of course, if she'd simply gone to "Scores" nightclub and waved them around a bit for men's pleasure, no-one would have cared AND she'd have ended up with her panties stuffed with dollar bills. But actually using her boobs to feed babies is obviously sick and twisted.

"Fossil" sent a letter of apology and a few thousand dollars, presumably after finding that New York law says that women can breast feed "in any location, public or private, where the mother is otherwise authorized to be." Good for New York!

It's worth remembering that mammary glands are there for the purpose of feeding babies, and that folks who are offended by this need to get some therapy.