Wednesday, February 08, 2006

As a mature, rational, though-provoking intelligent response to the current furor about cartoons of Mohammed, the Iranian "independent" newspaper, Hamshahri, has launched a contest to find the best cartoon about the Holocaust. It seems that although the President of Iran has already said it never happened, this doesn't stop other folks from creating cartoons about the non-event.

Let's take a moment here to analyze the Islamic logic at work: cartoon about one dead prophet from centuries ago - must be banned and infidels killed; cartoons about the systematic massacre of millions of Jews 50 years ago - no problem. Need I say more? Well, probably yes.

First, the "independence" of the Iranian "free press" can be questioned. According to the Newsmax corporation, "...the contest would be launched Monday and co-sponsored by the House of Caricatures, a Tehran exhibition center for cartoons. The paper and the cartoon center are owned by the Tehran Municipality, which is dominated by allies of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, well-known for his opposition to Israel."

Of course, I expect the official line will be "we are only supporting freedom of the press, who can run such competitions if they want. If some people are offended, then that's too bad."

And guess what: I say, Go ahead and run the cartoon competition. The real tragedy will be that they will NOT BE FUNNY. What do you call a Muslim with a sense of humor? An Infidel. I'm sure some folks could create some really funny Holocaust cartoons, but I doubt that the Muslim powers-that-be have any idea about how to make or take a joke.

The whole experience may also serve to teach the rapid Muslim element how rational human beings react to such cartoons. There will be strong words and condemnation, but you will not see rioting on the street, the burning of embassies, nor the wholesale insanity that is currently being exhibited by followers of the "Religion of Peace."

However, if the political activists who are orchestrating these riots (and this is clearly the action of groups with scimitars to grind, or why else would this be happening now rather than 4 months ago when the cartoons were actually published) think that a few cartoons about the Holocaust are going to "teach the infidels a lesson," they really are one can short of a six pack. Or maybe one prophet short of a religion.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, but they really are funny!