Wednesday, February 11, 2004

In the somewhat successful attempt to circumvent spam checkers and simple filtering, spammers are pretty good at using mis-spellings that can be easily recognized and corrected by humans, but present real challenges to computers. Instead of using "Viagra," "Hot Stock Tip," and "Donkey Sex," suitable alternatives include "V-Y-aggra," "h0t st0k t1p" and "Sex with donkeys." OK, so maybe the latter wouldn't work, but you, dear reader, can work out an alternative for yourself.

But hurrah, hurrah! It seems like "Truth in Advertising" may be making a come-back. This morning I found an e-mail headed "would you like a larger penis?" from someone called "penisdoctor." Well, I almost fell over my crates of Viagra and donkey sex video pile. At last, someone with the guts to be honest. Make no mistake, when you get a letter from someone called "penisdoctor," you can be pretty damn sure he ain't selling flowers!

So now I look forward to future posts along the lines of "wanthugetits" from "missbigboobs," "cheapbutdefinitelyNOTstolenviagra" from "sexdrugseller," and "seemypicturesofhotdonkeys" from "donkey bonker."

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