The dangers of online social networks have been stated over and over again to the point that anyone who is surprised that their personal details are used against them deserves to be hit with a Stupid stick. Stories of folks who seem to think is is OK to share their last binge drinking session with their MySpace "friends," only to then discover that teachers and potential employers find out are legion.
The notion that Facebook, MySpace, Ning, and other networks are PUBLIC seems to be way to complicated for some folks to grasp. Although it is certainly the case that people are less formal on a social networking site, they still need to remember that everything they say or show is open to the world.
So imagine the surprise of a 31-year-old nun from Turin, Italy, who discovered that her ex-boyfriend had posted naked pictures of her to his Facebook page. The photos were taken during a vacation in the summer of 2006, before she took to the veil.

The nun is now suing her boyfriend who says he posted the pictures to stop her from becoming a bride of Christ. According to her lawyer, Anna Orecchioni, "My client doesn't want money, she only wants that he respects her decision to become a nun."
However, it seems that the nude nun might just work in the church's favor. According to one wag who posted a comment on the pictures, "If all the nuns are like that, I want to become a priest."
Someone should remind him what the word "celibacy" means.
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