The Paris runways will be highlighting the latest in burqa-wear this Fall - or perhaps not, depending on how the French government want to respond to the wacky fashionistas of Al Qaeda.
In a statement by Abu Musab Abdul Wadud, the self-styled "commander of Al Qaeda in North Africa" - whose idea of style includes sackcloth and head bandages - the terrorist group have vowed to "take revenge on France by every means and wherever we can reach them" because of a debate in France over whether the burqa, a traditional Islamic woman's covering.
The burqa, which typically comes in black, black, and a fetching black, is a one-piece that covers a woman from head to toe so that she doesn't inflame the animal passions of a man. Apparently a glimpse of ankle can turn a Muslim man into a slobbering, deranged, sex-crazed monster - and it's the woman's fault. Hence the burqa.

Abu Musab continues to rant on about how the French are "committing all of these grievances in a time when we see their women flooding our nations, filling our shores, poorly dressed and nude in a deliberate defiance to the feelings of Muslims and in clear contempt to the teachings of the Islamic faith, traditions and norms."
Notice the note of tolerance here. Apparently it's wrong to offend Muslim sensibilities but OK to kill folks who do it.
"Our Muslim brothers in France in particular and in Europe in general are increasingly troubled by the practices of the French politicians and their leaders, and their constant harassment of our people regarding the burqa issue. Yesterday they targeted the veil, today the burqa and maybe tomorrow their evil hands could be extended to defame our pillars of faith, like praying, fasting or the pilgrimage."
Actually, I'd be all for helping them fast until they starved to death and send them on a long pilgrimage across the Pacific on foot. And if France is so decadent, I'm surprised Al Qaeda's "brothers" who live there have not moved back to the caves to cuddle up with Abu and his men.
This all follows (a) the run up to Fall fashion week and (b) a statement last week by President Nicolas Sarkozy who said that, "The problem of the burqa is not a religious problem. This is an issue of a woman's freedom and dignity. This is not a religious symbol. It is a sign of subservience; it is a sign of lowering. I want to say solemnly, the burqa is not welcome in France."
Well, not unless it can be reworked in chiffon or silk and come in a plethora of exciting new colors.

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