Tuesday, May 04, 2004

It seems that air travel is fraught with danger these days - and not only from terrorists. It appears that a new source of horror should be added to the traveler's list: whistling tree frogs.

On a routine flight between Melbourne, Australia, and Wellington, New Zealand, a Qantas airlines passenger was handed her special order salad - only to find that it was NOT the vegetarian option she was expecting. Lurking behind the lettuce was a small and uninvited whistling tree frog. And no doubt in keeping with a Qantas policy of delivering food that's as fresh as possible, the aforementioned amphibian was not even dead. Holy slimy sushi, Batman!

Before the hapless hopper could do any serious damage - such as leaping out of the box, gunning down a few passengers, and forcing the pilots to take the plane to Cuba - the quick-thinking passenger slammed the lid back down and alerted the flight attendents.

Thanks to intensive training in counter terrorism, the attendents ensured that the frog was speedily hustled into a refrigerator and, alas, subjected to a slow death by freezing. PETA should take note of this egregious act of barbarism against an innocent animal.

Once the plane had landed, a Qantas SWAT team apparantly swept through the airplane to round up any other members of the "Tree Frog Liberation Army," but none was found. Thankfully this appears to be a lone whistler, working in isolation, and as yet, no links to Al Qa'ida have been found.

A spokesman for the airline said that they had changed supplier in February. Perhaps the new supplier is the same one that supplies Air France, where frogs in your salad are standard and passengers complain if they don't find one.

Oh, and the report didn't note whether the box came marked as "Atkins Friendly," which I'm sure a whisting tree frog is - so long as you avoid the dressing.

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