Friday, February 13, 2004

Has anyone noticed that since Rush Limbaugh came out with regard to his "addiction to prescription drugs" that he seems to have changed his notion of drug abuser? There's a hint of compassion towards the folks who were previously just left-wing junky whackos who should be put against a wall and shot before they start mugging old people, molesting children, and eating babies.

Now the prosecutors in the case against him for allegedly obtaining drugs illegally are seeking access to his private medical records. And guess who is leaping to Rush's defense? Yes, none other than the scourge of decent, honest, god-fearing republicans - the American Civil Liberties Union. The very group whom Rush regularly pillories as nothing more than the agents of the Beast, here to bring the Apocalyspe and the End of Civilization as we know it, is standing up for Limbaugh's right to privacy.

They see the prosecution's case as stepping far beyond what is constitutional and will defend Rush in his attempt to keep his records secret.

I'm not one to crow, dear reader, but the expression "grinning like a Cheshire cat" springs to mind when I try to describe how I feel. I look forward to future EIB broadcasts when Rush has to acknowledge a debt toward the legions of Hell.

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